India on Wednesday logged 38,353 fresh Covid-19 cases, recording a rise from Tuesday’s 28,204 infections in 24 hours, the data released at 8am by the Union health ministry showed.
The daily death toll also a jump in number as 497 people succumbed to the disease.
With the new cases, the cumulative tally of India has reached 32,036,511. The number of active cases dipped to 386,351, the lowest in 140 days.
Of the people infected since the beginning of the pandemic, 31,220,981 patients have already recovered from Covid-19 and 855,543 recovered in the last 24 hours. The recovery rate has improved to 97.45 per cent.
As per the Indian Council of Medical Research, a total of 485,056,507 samples were tested up to August 10, of which, 1,777,962 samples were tested yesterday.
On Tuesday, the central government said that 37 districts across the country are showing a rising trend in the average daily new cases of Covid-19 over the last two weeks even as the corresponding nationwide figure is falling.
Meanwhile, on the vaccination front, nearly 520 million doses have been administered to the beneficiaries as of Tuesday. More than 3.7 million (37,76,765) doses were administered during the day, according to the 7 pm provisional report published by the government.