Bollywood actor Preity Zinta has shared a curious new photo with Salman Khan. The picture is making fans wonder if Preity has bagged a cameo in Salman’s film, Dabangg 3.
Critics often say that the golden age of Bangladeshi Cinema has long gone. Pori Moni is one of the most talented artists, who is working hard to bring those days
The bollywood actress Kajal Aggarwal opened up about her plans to settle down during a conversation with Lakshmi Manchu on VOOT’s Feet Up with the Stars Telugu, reports IANS. When
Indian actress Parineeti Chopra, who is all set to play Saina Nehwal on screen, will be visiting the ace badminton player’s home here for the first time, as part fo
Virat Kohli celebrated Diwali with wife Anushka Sharma and shared pictures of the charming cricketer-actor couple to light up social media on the festival of lights on Sunday. “Happy Diwali
At 81, Nobuhiko Obayashi has terminal lung cancer, but his confrontation with death began so long ago it has characterized his decades of filmmaking. Obayashi has stayed true to himself
Misha Saudagar and Jayed Khan’s panel won the Bangladesh Cholochitro Shilpi Samiti election sweeping all of the executive posts on Friday’s biennial election. Misha Saudagar and Jayed Khan have been
The namaz-e-janaza of multi talented television director, actor and scriptwriter Humayun Sadhu has been held. The janaza took place at Rahim Metal Jame Mosque in Tejgaon after Juma prayers on
Bollywood actor Radhika Apte has turned director and has already completed the shoot for her upcoming short film with Gulshan Deviah and Shahana Goswami in lead roles. The 30-minute long
Ms. Minaj wants you to know she’s now officially Mrs. Petty. Minaj — who has dated Kenneth Petty for about a year — seems to confirm her marriage with a