Thu, 27 Mar 2025, 12:26 pm
Fre Opinion

Voice of capitalist system from Davos

The mainstream likes to play with words, and dislikes to dig truths. That is to hoodwink the commoners. So one of the foremost tasks is to tear down covers of

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US policy, pre-emptive force and Qasem Soleimani

INTERNATIONAL relations is typified by its vagueness of definition and its shallowness of justification. Be it protecting citizens of a state in another, launching a pre-emptive strike to prevent what

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Hong Kong: pure western insanity

THE impunity with which the US aggresses Hong Kong is insane. Equally or more insane is western media coverage of what is going on in Hong Kong. Not one word

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Saving Assange is saving ourselves

Who are we?  THE United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner issued a statement based on special-rapporteur-on-torture Nils Melzer’s fact-finding mission into the incarceration of WikiLeaks founder and

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After the wall

THE fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago this week provided cause for celebration, and not just in Europe. The structure was the most potent physical manifestation of the

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A profound challenge for international cooperation

During my years of work in international development I’ve heard this view expressed, implicitly or explicitly, by frustrated practitioners. It sounds bizarre, and demonstrates a monumental lack of empathy, but

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Settling the Ayodhya case once and for all

There must be an understanding that in the outcome, there is neither victor nor vanquished, writes K Kannan THE Ayodhya issue is tantalisingly poised and there are only guesses about how

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Lanka election time promises costly to keep

In the case of the present election promises, most of them will cost the government a large amount of money and how this is to be financed when taxes are

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The aftermath of the Sri Lanka Easter attacks

Sri Lanka’s Muslim community is suffering from continuous Islamophobia on two fronts. ON APRIL 21, 2019 eight explosions happened all through the island of Sri Lanka almost simultaneously. The explosions

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পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম নিয়ে ফেসবুকে বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদীদের হিংসাত্মক বিদ্বেষমূলক ও রাষ্ট্রবিরোধী প্রচারণা

বর্তমান সময়ে ‘ফেসবুক’ একটি অতি জনপ্রিয় সামাজিক যোগাযোগের মাধ্যম। কিন্তু পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের কিছু বিপথগামী উপজাতি বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদী সংগঠন এবং তাদের দোসর কতিপয় স্বার্থান্বষী তথাকথিত অনলাইন এক্টিভিস্ট ও বুদ্ধিজীবিরা ফেসবুককে তাদের হিংসাত্মক,

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