Sun, 19 Jan 2025, 05:30 pm

Tea and coffee can slim you down

Your favourite hot caffeinated beverage may not just help you shake off the morning drowsiness but can also slim you down, according to a research from the University of Illinois.

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Honey: Why you shouldn’t avoid it this winter

Many people excitedly wait for the winter months and enjoy the whether to the fullest. But there are also those who have a hard time fighting winter-related ailments which see

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Why walnut scrubs are not good for your skin

Remember the beauty scene going into a tizzy as Kylie Jenner launched her skin care brand? But within 24 hours, the line was already caught in controversy, with the Kylie

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Face tools to get perfect winter glow

Incorporating a facial massage tool into your daily beauty routine might just be the fast-track way to get flawless skin and now, you don’t need to be a professional to

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Oranges: Why you shouldn’t avoid them this winter

Winter is here, and much like cold water and ice creams people tend to stay away from certain fruits for the fear of catching a cold. But what they don’t

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Get your skin party-ready with these simple tips

Party season is officially under way, which means you’re probably attending back-to-back outings, including family get-togethers and work parties. However, party season also means binging, drinking, eating, sleeping late (or

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Merry Christmas 2019: Christmas history, significance, importance of Christmas Day

Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25. It commonly believed that the 25th of December is the birthday of Jesus Christ but that is not the case, reports The

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Add these shampoo to grow your hair faster

Hair care is important because losing hair is a collective nightmare, reports The Indian Express. Stress and pollution have been wreaking havoc, leaving our hair looking lifeless, thin and dull.

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How Vitamin C is good for your skin

If you are updated with the skincare game, then you have probably heard of Vitamin C, which is touted as one of the best anti-ageing ingredients present in the market.

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Are you an overthinker? Here’s how you can stop

The mind is a strange organ, and there is no end to what it is capable of. The body reacts to the brain’s directives, which is why mental health is

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