Sun, 02 Mar 2025, 07:40 am

President Xi’s long game: World is dealing with a leader who believes he will shape a Chinese Century

Over the last six months, in the shadow of COVID-19, President Xi Jinping has become China’s Supreme Leader. The July 15 issue of the Chinese Communist Party journal, Qiushi (Seeking

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Let Friendship Day Unite Us to Fight against COVID-19

Many countries in the world observe the International Friendship Day on July 30 every year. In Bangladesh, India and some other countries, this day is celebrated on the first Sunday

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Climate Refugee Rehab Scheme: A Step Forward on Climate Change

Bangladesh recently has opened the world’s biggest rehabilitation project for the climate refugees in Cox’s Bazar. It is well known that climate change is set to cause a refugee crisis

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Transit – New Dimension in Bangladesh-India Relationship

With the beginning of the trial run of the first transit vessel between Bangladesh and India using Chattogram Port, a new horizon has opened in the Bangladesh-India relationship. The seven

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Revisiting Population Policy of Bangladesh

With high population density, Bangladesh is rendered as one of the overpopulated countries in the world. But it is praiseworthy that Bangladesh controlled its population to a greater extent, with

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Let’s Defeat Corona Virus Together

What happens when we pour excessive water in a jar? It overflows. Again,what happens when a large number of people get on a boat? I know you don’t need to

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Under pressure, expansionist China begins to wilt; India’s strategic options

China’s brazen attempts at annexing territories from its neigbouring countries have been widely covered in the media. It has challenged Japan in the East China Sea, grabbed territory in the

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Covid-19: Acid Test for Health Sector

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the wretched condition of our health sector has been starkly manifesting with more and more patients moving from one hospital to another to get tested

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons We Should Learn

Each day, we are inundated with news about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it continues to strain our healthcare system and resources. The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global

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High unemployment and COVID-19 hampering monsoon readiness in Bangladesh

As Bangladesh prepares to be battered by heavy rain, new researchfinds high unemployment and Coronavirushave hit flood and landslide preparations. Flood preparation specialists have discovered that a loss of incomecaused

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