India’s tally of cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has reached 22,662,575 as data from the Union ministry of health and family welfare (MoHFW) showed on Monday morning that 366,161 more cases were detected from across the country in the previous 24 hours.
This is for the first time after four straight days that India’s Covid-19 count has risen by less than 400,000 fresh infections.
Also, in the preceding 24 hours, 3,754 more people succumbed to the viral disease, taking the related death toll to 246,116. The country’s daily death toll was more than 4,000 in the last two days. Deaths contribute 1.08% of the nationwide infection tally.
The number of recovered patients has mounted to 18,671,222 or 82.38% of the national tally as 353,818 more people were discharged in this period, the MoHFW dashboard showed. Active cases, meanwhile, are at 3,745,237, up by 8,589, and contribute 16.52% of the national caseload, according to the dashboard.
The number of samples tested for the infection has reached 303,750,077, of which 1,474,606 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours, the government-run Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said. However, in the 24-hour period before that, more than 1.8 million samples were put to test.
Source: Hindustan Times