India on Sunday recorded 41,157 fresh cases of coronavirus disease (Covid-19), taking the country’s cumulative tally to 31,106,065, the Union ministry of health and family welfare said. In the last 24 hours, the country also saw 518 people succumbing to Covid-19, taking its death toll to 413,609.
The active cases in India dipped further in the last 24 hours and were logged at 422,660, accounting for 1.36 % of the total cases recorded in the country since the start of the outbreak last year. Active Covid-19 cases, which refers to the existing patients in the country, have decreased by 1,365 in a span of 24 hours.
A total of 42,004 people recovered from the infectious disease in the last 24 hours, taking the country’s recovery rate to 97.31%, the health ministry data showed.
The second wave of Covid-19 is visibly receding in most regions in the country over the past two months, except for Kerala and Maharashtra – states which are witnessing rising infections over the past four weeks, data shows.
On Saturday, India crossed the milestone of the 400-million mark in the number of coronavirus vaccine doses administered across the country so far. The new high in administering vaccine doses makes India a country with the highest number of shots given among any nation in the world with the exception of China.
Source: Hindustan Times