Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh, a Member of Parliament from Dhaka-12 constituency, on Saturday posted a status on his verified Facebook page thanking Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for electing his elder brother Sheikh Fazle Shams (Parash) as chairman of Awami Jubo League.
With the status, Taposh, a nephew of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, also uploaded two photos of him and Parash.
Here the status:
Today, 23rd November 2019, is a memorable day for us. My elder brother, Sheikh Fazle Shams (Parash), has been elected as the Chairman of Bangladesh Awami Jubo League in its 7th National Congress. Jubo League was founded by my father, Sheikh Fazlul Haque Moni, on the instruction of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to organise the youth of the war torn Bangladesh just after liberation for the purpose of ‘Building the Nation’. Today, in a critical political juncture the same responsibility has been bestowed upon Sheikh Moni’s son by Bangabandhu’s Daughter Sheikh Hasina. This is a divine blessing. We pray to Allah Rabbul Al-Amin and thank Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Jubo League named Sheikh Fazle Shams Parash, the son of the organisation’s founder Sheikh Fazlul Haq Mani, as its new chairman during the council session at Dhaka’s Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, (IEB) on Saturday.