India on Thursday recorded 67,084 fresh cases of the coronavirus disease, pushing the cumulative tally to 4,24,78,060. At present, the active caseload was 7,90,789 at 1.86 per cent.
According to the latest update shared by the Union ministry of health and family welfare, as many as 1,67,882 patients were cured in the last 24 hours, while 1,241 people lost their battle to the disease.
With this, the cumulative recoveries and deaths were 4,11,80,751 (96.95 per cent) and 5,06,520, respectively.
The daily positivity rate currently stood at 4.44 per cent, while the weekly positivity rate was at 6.58 per cent.
The government said over 1.71 crore vaccines were administered against the viral disease ever since the nationwide drive was launched in January last year. Of these, over 46 lakh doses were administered in the last 24 hours.
The ministry further said over 74.61 crore samples were tested since the pandemic broke in the country. About 15 lakh samples were checked in the last 24 hours.