Mon, 20 Jan 2025, 05:29 pm

5 tips for a good night sleep

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  • Update Time : Saturday, March 5, 2022
  • 127 Time View

“A good quality sleep ensures that we wake up feeling fresh, well-rested, alert and can function well throughout the day. People who are sleep deprived or deficient struggle with productivity, concentration and efficiency”, says Damini Grover, an Author and founder of I’m Powered – Center for Counseling and Well-being, Delhi

Quality sleep has also been linked with greater hormonal and metabolic balance. It also aids in reducing mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression.

Damini lists down some things that we must keep in mind while addressing sleep deprivation or deficiency:


1. Focus on getting quality sleep: Even if we sleep for 6 hours, it should be a deep, relaxing sleep that enables us to wake up feeling fresh and energized.

2. Maintain a sleep schedule: When we keep changing our sleeping and waking up times, our body is constantly trying to adjust. This misaligned body clock can then give rise to sleep disorders and other health concerns like obesity, diabetes etc. Therefore, it’s important to go off to bed and wake up at or around a particular time and be consistent so that the body can adjust.

3. Start your day with something that relaxes you: Often people procrastinate sleeping because they feel they don’t look forward to the activities the next day. Starting the day with some relaxation activities like meditation, yoga, walking or indulging in your hobby gives your mind and body a good enough reason to wake up and carry on the day with this ‘feel-good factor.

4. ‘Unwind’ before going to bed: As much as we’d like to believe that using our phones just before going to sleep is akin to relaxation, it’s not. Several studies have shown that the blue light emitted by mobile phones restrains the production of melatonin which is essential for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. In addition, the use of our phones right before going to bed actually puts our brains into an alert mode. The simple act of scrolling the phone ups the brain’s engagement quotient which is a direct contradiction to relaxation.

5. Keep at least a 2-hour gap between dinner and sleep: This allows the body enough time to engage in the process of digestion and reduces gastric distress which ultimately interferes with sleep.

Source: The Statesman

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