There are varieties of food options around us. One important choice that most people are uncertain about is between genetically modified (GM), conventional and organic foods. However, before deciding which food to eat, we need to understand the differences between them. Here, I am presenting a bird’s-eye view.
GM foods
GM foods are produced by modifying the genes of crops through genetic engineering. The first GM food was a tomato, produced in the USA in 1992. Bangladesh produced a GM crop in 2013. The top GM food producing countries in 2019 were USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and India.
Potatoes, squash, apples, papayas and corn are some common GM crops. Others include corn starch and syrup, canola and soybean oil, and sugar beets for sugar, which are all used as ingredients in other foods.
Conventional foods
Conventional foods are grown by using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Animals are given antibiotics and growth hormones.
Organic foods
In organic food, no ingredients are exposed to synthetic substances or pesticides. Animals are not given growth hormones or antibiotics to produce meat, dairy and eggs. There are four groups of organics:
• 100% organic- each ingredient has to be certified organic
• 95% organic- at least 95% of the ingredient is organic, 5% may not be available as organic
• At least 70% organic ingredient
• Less than 70% organic ingredient
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approves food as organic when it is 95% organic. “Natural” and “organic” are not same. The “natural” food label refers to products that are free of artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Also “non-GM” does not mean organic, it means that no genetic modification was done to the product. It can, however, be produced by using pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial preservatives and colorings.
Which one is safe?
All these foods have some benefits and risks.
Individual level assessment is required to identify the safety of each GM food; a general statement does not work.
The purpose of growing GM crops is to
• Increase shelf life
• Develop resistance to insects, salt or herbicides
• Improve nutritional quality
• Lower costs for the consumers and
• Increase access to quality food
For example, golden rice (GM food) contains beta carotene, which is absent in regular rice. GM potatoes are developed to reduce the carcinogen acrylamide that naturally occurs during frying.
Many believe that GM food may trigger allergic reactions and cause cancer, infertility and birth defects. So far, very little evidence about the risks of GM foods has been found; however, long term effects are not clear. Moreover, GM foods may pass on antibiotic resistance to humans. Modified genes may damage beneficial insects and facilitate the evolution of super weeds and super pests by spreading into the environment.
GM foods that have passed safety assessments are available on the international market. All countries require the labeling of GM foods. The WHO and FAO pays close attention to the safety of GM foods.
Organic food is healthy for humans and also for the environment. Conventional farming uses pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, chemical herbicide and insecticides during production and processing, and this places a huge burden on the environment. Organic plants, however, may produce more natural toxins than conventional versions. A study showed that almost 10% of organic food was E. coli positive compared to only 1.6% of conventionally grown food.
Organic Foods
• Grown without the use of pesticides
• Free of artificial drugs, growth hormones or antibiotics
• Free of artificial preservatives, flavorings, and colors
A number of studies examined the macro- and micronutrient contents of organic and conventional food, and found that both have similar level of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. According to a review, although organic food reduces exposure to pesticides and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, outdoor animals can ingest soil particles from contaminated environments. As such, outdoor chickens’ eggs can have higher dioxin levels than found in eggs of caged chickens.
Conventional Foods
• Lessen costs for consumers
• Increase food production
• Lower costs of production
Organic food has 10% to 50% higher price than conventional foods. Higher prices are due to more expensive farming practices. Pests, weeds and diseases are managed by physical, mechanical and biological controls instead of pesticides.
How to choose the right food?
Considering the discussion, I hope by now you got a clearer idea about food options and can decide which food to choose. Here are some tips:
• Although organic food is free from chemical fertilizer and hormones, it can be expensive to buy. So, buying different combinations may be an option.
• For the proper growth of children, it is important to make sure animal products do not have any hormone and antibiotics.
• When food is eaten raw with the skin on it, buying organic can keep you away from ingesting chemical pesticide.
• Just because a product says it’s organic doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a healthier alternative. Some organic products may still be high in sugar, salt, fat or calories.
• Select a variety of foods from a variety of sources to get a better mix of nutrients and to reduce the likelihood of pesticide exposure.
• Know the origin of your food. Buy fruits and vegetables in season and buy food from local farmers markets when possible.
• Read food labels carefully to avoid unwanted exposure.
The writer works at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Source: daily sun (Editorial)