Mon, 20 Jan 2025, 10:14 am

Tips to eliminate vector-borne diseases this rainy season

WB Desk:
  • Update Time : Saturday, August 6, 2022
  • 122 Time View

The onset of monsoons brings along a host of diseases and infections that can pose a serious range of health threats for you and your family as the risk of being exposed to multiple viruses, bacteria, parasites and other infections is two times higher during the rainy season than in any other season. The high moisture content in the air and water accumulation enables harmful micro-organisms to thrive, leading to a number of health- related ailments furthermore, the increased humidity can contribute to several fungal infections, allergies and skin diseases but with a few basic precautions, you can enjoy the weather as well stay healthy and fit, Hindustan Times Reported.

There is a higher risk of fungal infection, diarrhoea, food infection, viral fever and eye problems like conjunctivitis in rainy season but most people do not know about how to eliminate the vector-borne diseases that are transmitted by vectors including malaria, leptospirosis, dengue, which are more prone to happen in the context of the monsoon period due to the combination of favourable environment and susceptible hosts. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Rupali Mehrotra, Consultant Internal Medicine and Critical Care at Regency Hospital Ltd, suggested that vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya which are transmitted by mosquitoes, can be prevented by simple precautions that include:


  1. Get rid of stagnant water around you in containers, tyres and flower pots.

a slides etc

2. Change water in coolers regularly.

3. Wear light coloured, long sleeved, long trousers with tucked in socks or boots.

4. Use windows, screens at home and workplace.

5. Use mosquito nets, and mosquito repellent creams

6. Regular spray of insecticides


7. Wear shoes when you are going out .Avoid sandals and slippers

8. Avoid outdoor activities during peak mosquito feeding time especially dusk and dawn.

Adding to the list of tips and must follows to eliminate vector-borne diseases, Dr Ankit Singhal, Consultant interventional Pulmonologist and allergy specialist at Neocare Clinic Delhi and Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute, advised:

1. Ensure your vaccinations are up to date for diseases prevalent in your area.

Wear light coloured, long sleeve shirts and long trousers tucked into socks or boots and insect repellent on exposed skin and clothing to protect yourself from being bitten by mosquitos, sand flies or ticks.

Install window screens in your home or workplace to keep mosquitoes outside.

Use indoor residual spraying with long lasting insecticides on internal wall and over ceilings to reduce biting.

Get rid of stagnant water where mosquitoes breed such as flower pots, containers etc.

Make sure you keep strict Hygiene control of food and avoid unpasteurized dairy products.

Ensure the use of mosquito repellent, cream, liquid and coil mats etc

Use of bed nets for sleeping infants during day time to prevent mosquito bite.

Use of Laminivorous fishes in ornamental tanks, fountains etc

Fensol space spray during day time

Proper storing of stored water

Impart knowledge to common people regarding the disease and vector through various media services like TV, radio, cinema slides etc

Keep on changing the water in the collars, planters, storage and pet bowls.

Do not allow water to collect anywhere in or near the house.

Maintain hygiene and wash your bathroom regularly

Use boiling water to wash fruits and vegetables before consumption

Ensure personal and environmental hygiene.

Check and clear litter in your house vicinity and make sure to have a clear neighbourhood. Litter is often a great hiding place for mosquitoes.

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