The Anti-Corruption Commission on Wednesday filed two cases against Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha director Mubarak Hossain and his wife Shahana Parveen on charges of amassing illegal wealth. The ACC assistant director
At least seven leaders and activists of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party were injured in an attack carried out allegedly by the leaders and activists of the ruling Awami
About 300 tourists have become stranded in Rangamati as road communication between Sajek and Khagrachhari has been suspended after torrential rainfall overnight submerged the Baily Bridge. Shirin Akter, Baghaichhari Upazila
Inspector general of police Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun on Tuesday said that the police force would not take responsibility for any individual’s misdeeds. ‘I want to make it clear that
Psident Joe Biden warned on Monday that the US Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on presidential immunity sets a ‘dangerous precedent’ that Donald Trump would exploit if elected in November. The
The Jatiya Sangsad on Sunday passed the Tk7,97,000 crore national budget for FY2024-25 setting the goal of economic growth at 6.75% and keeping annual inflation at around 6.50%. Finance Minister
The National Committee to Protect Shipping, Roads and Railways on Sunday demanded immediate removal of all structures, including dockyards, built on the banks of River Buriganga. Mohammad Shahid Mia, president
The parliament passed the Finance Bill 2024 on Saturday while retaining in it the controversial provision of legalising undeclared wealth by paying a flat 15 per cent tax facing no
At least 30 people died in protests in Kenya this week sparked by a government drive to substantially raise taxes in the East African country, Human Rights Watch said Saturday.
About 30,000 cases pending with the Supreme Court, and appellate commissioners and tribunals have withheld the collection of Tk 80,000 crore in revenue. The cases include 11,007 involving Tk 40,389