Sun, 02 Mar 2025, 07:47 am

Tagore’s Thoughts on Active Society and Today’s Bangladesh

Besides a poet and litterateur of global repute who won the first Nobel Prize from Asia, Rabindranath Tagore was an accomplished social reformer. His thoughts on society and economy remain

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Sheikh Kamal: The pioneer of modern sports

Sheikh Kamal, the martyred eldest son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, is a significant name in the country’s sports arena as he had taken drastic steps

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Be Aware of Hybrid Organisations and Leaders!

In recent times, there is a tendency among different organisations to use the word “League” with their names to manifest that they are associate or affiliate organisations of the Bangladesh

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Concert for Bangladesh: A Historical Event

Nobel laureate T S Eliot’s famous poem The Waste Land begins with the line — April is the cruelest month. But for people of Bangladesh, August is probably the cruelest

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Proper Dumping of Waste for a Clean City

It has long been noticed that unlawful dumping of wastes on roadsides at some places of both the Dhaka city corporations is going on unabated. People commit such misdeeds surreptitiously

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Stock Aplenty, Vaccinate Fast

In light of the experience gained over the last one and a half years in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, public health experts have concluded that the only way

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Elegy for Simon Dring

British born journalist Simon Dring was no war correspondent like Cornelyas Rayan, Walter Cronkite or Ernie Pyle (died while covering the Vietnam War). But Simon shot into international limelight during

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Delta’s Rage Jeopardises Eid Festivity

After one year, Eid-ul-Azha has come again in the Muslim society, carrying along with the message of sacrifice. Allah (SWT) gave a dream to his dear friend Ibrahim (AS) to

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A Glorious Moment for Bangladesh

Golden Jubilee is the most remarkable event in the national context of the Father of the Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Independent Bangladesh. Despite the terrible experiences of the pandemic-ridden year

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Bangladesh: Education in the Doldrums

Reshmi Khatun is a student of 12th Class in Coochbihar, India. On 15th July she wrote a commentary in one of India’s largest circulated Daily Anandabazar Patrika titled: ‘HS Results: For

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