Sun, 02 Mar 2025, 07:46 am

Pakistan: Failing economy, polarised politics

At the Heart of Asia Conference at Amritsar in December 2016, Pakistan’s Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz had to eat crow after he offered a $500 million grant to

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Plugged-in generation in peril

A growing number of parents are worried about their offspring’s mental and physical wellbeing due to overuse of smartphones. Parents who initially introduced their children to different facilities of smartphones

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Is death penalty enough to tackle rape?

Rape is not a simple word. It is a nightmare in every woman’s life.  A kind of unwanted fear works in me as a woman when I leave home for

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Tale of a Successful Leader

The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed been a major challenge for leaders of countries worldwide in the struggle of survival under unforeseen situations. Management is theatrical in many aspects under such

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Let Us Be Free from Corona Captivity

Europeans have no new moon or full moon, sankranti or pitha festival. Even their new year does not begin in the month of Baishakh. Not only Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, Americans

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Working-class Women Are Still Oppressed

Jainab Tabassum Banu Sonali Recently, I had a conversation with a maid servant who is married for 6 years and is beaten by her husband for the same duration. Her

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Bangabandhu and Riverine Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a riverine country. From time immemorial, we are tied to the umbilical cord to rivers. Our livelihood, transportation, agriculture, industry, economy, consciousness, culture – all are fluvial. It

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A perennial source of inspiration for youth

Bangabandhu remains a perennial source of inspiration for the youth even today. He himself was very young when he got involved in national politics. When he first spoke to Shahid

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The United Nations General Assembly President is ignorant about Kashmir

Ignorance seems to have no limits. Normally one would think that the President of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) would be well versed with the long standing issues between member

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Truth Is Stranger than Fiction

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t” wrote the great American writer Mark Twain. In recent days the international

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